Contribute To The Inquirer

Tell Your Story

Are you a storyteller, reported, or thought-provoker? Write an article or a column for The Inquirer about any aspect of your faith.

We are always looking for new contributors – particularly those from underrepresented groups.


Letters should be signed with the writer’s full name and, if applicable, the name of the group or congregation with which the writer is affiliated. Writers’ views are their own, not those of the affiliations.

Letters may be edited for length and content. Shorter letters are more likely to appear and less likely to be edited.

Criticise ideas, not people. No personal attacks will be published.

Worship Material

Prayers, sermons, and meditations are always welcome.

If you attend a service that you enjoy, please encourage the leader to send a copy of their address to The Inquirer. If you present a service that you would like to share, please send your address to The Inquirer.


Please aim to send announcements of upcoming events at your chapel or fellowship at least six weeks in advance, otherwise we’ll be unlikely to print it in time.

If you would like to send a report of events that have already occurred, please include what inspired you and the outcome of the event.


It is helpful to send relevant photographs with your written contributions.

Please send images at the highest possible quality; at least 1000 pixels in each dimension. Photos should be light and clear.

Please include the name of the photographer or source, and make sure to seek permission if the photograph was not take by you.

Please send images as a separate email attachment rather than embedded in a Word document.

Contact The Editor

Send your articles to the Editor:-